Never Mind the Sizzle…Where’s the Sausage?

From time to time I run across a book that tells the tale of a Company That Has Lost Its Way. Where’s The Sausage is just such a book. It is about building brands based on what the company actually makes-as opposed to the emotions that it invokes. So that a Portrait Studio might think about the quality of it’s Photography and not We’re Making Memories. Which, of course, is the exact opposite of all the advice you find in most marketing books. Here the product is a mythical sausage, which is not as good as it once was, but…

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Special K-Especially for Anorexics!

The Special K commercial is supposed to be cute and funny, it has a couple of girls skipping breakfast that have that embarrassing rumble in their tummies that they wouldn’t have if they just ate some breakfast. Ok, fine as far as it that message goes. It’s just that the two women in the ad appear anorexic in their thinness so the very idea that these 80 pounders need to loose weight is obscene. Matt at Kingdom Living wrote Kellogg’s an email and complained about the skinny models, with predictable results, i.e., none at all. If you’d like to write…

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