Ashley Flores-Not Missing, Never Was

Ashley Flores is a thirteen year old girl who is missing-or so the email went that ask everyone to forward it in a kind of online Amber Alert. Just one catch, she is not missing, it was joke played by a friend last found the story last year and discovered Ashley’s friend Vicki who began the email as a prank. Funny, eh?Vicki told “Ashley Flores is not missing. It was merely a joke that got completely out of hand. Please inform everyone that she is not missing. It was a joke. I’m sorry about any confusion.” This email…

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Let’s have a Mojito in Dubai

You get a new red car and suddenly you notice that there are a lot of red cars. And not just any red car, but red cars like the one you just bought. So many red cars like the one you bought that you walk up to the wrong car in the Wal-Mart parking lot and try to get inside. Now, I have not bought either a Mojito or a trip to Dubai. But they have captured my attention as I seem to hear them mentioned a hell of a lot. A Mojito is a mixed drink. Dubai is a…

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