A Book is a Book-not an eBook

Print is Dead-Egon, Ghostbusters I learn to speak English from a book-Manuel, Fawlty Towers Books in digital form are online and easy enough to read-if you have the patience to sit and read them, which most of is don’t. The computer ebook has a few advantages over their real world counterparts. You can zoom in if you eyes are not that good. You can listen to a sterile computer voice read it for you. You can find a few hundred reviews written by people who seem to love or hate everything they read. I have a few friends that want…

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The Amazon Kindle-Does It Come In Leatherbound?

The Amazon Kindle is an electronic book reader. Since it is an Amazon product, they have donated a lot of space to singing this devices praises. Revolutionary electronic-paper display provides a sharp, high-resolution screen that looks and reads like real paper-the first line of a very long page of description states. And it must be working as the book reader with a keypad designed for text messengers is sold out.Issac Asimov was still around when people were first talking about portable entertainment devices. He wrote a pretty cool little article about how this device would need to work. It would…

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