The Occasional Entrecard Post

Entrecard seems to be a love it or it hate it kind of thing. I’m feeling kind of so-so about it. For me it all started when I was giving a thing called BlogRush a shot, and found that I got zero traffic from it. Evil Woobie wrote a nice post about how much she loved Entrecard and I was there with the first few waves of users. I had a bit of free of time and it was fun following the the ads on Entrecard widgets and seeing where I ended up. I had never seen most of these…

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Entrecard This and Entrecard That

EntreCard-could they have come up with a worse name? How do you pronounce EntreCard? I guess since EntreCard is a blog toy it doesn’t really matter, no one is likely to be talking about it in the real world anyway. EntreCard-I’m reminded of the movie That Thing You Do where the band was named the Oneneders-Wonders. Having just started on EntreCard a couple of days ago, I don’t have a ton of stats yet. But I do have enough stats to say that I have already gotten more hits from EntreCard in the first 24 hours than I got from…

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