Jennifer Aniston Naked on GQ

The 39 year old Jennifer Aniston shows up on the cover of GQ magazine wearing nothing but a neck tie. A naked Jennifer Aniston on a magazine cover is not all that shocking. It seems that everyone in Hollywood has a clause in thier contract that they have to appear naked on a magazine cover at some point. Jennifer Aniston was famous for her hair while she was a star of Friends-one of those very popular shows that I hated while it was on and have never gotten around to liking now that it is gone. Jenneifer Aniston nude on…

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100 Friends = 100 Diggs?

Digg has recently undergone a bit of an overhaul and as a result I now I have a few fans and I can make them friends if I want to. One of my fans has 150 friends. Ok. I mean, I want to be popular, as much as any misanthropic blogger wants to be popular, but I am not sure that making everyone on Digg a friend is the best way to do it. I have a DeviantART account. DeviantART has always, since I have been using it, had a lot of ways to met other Deviants. You can favor…

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