Learning French-Well, Not Learning French

I want to learn to speak French-just in case I happen to win the Lotto and live there for part of the year one day. But I want this learning to be the kind that Neo and Mr Data do-press a button and Whamo! you can speak perfect French. As it is I have tried a number of less successful methods to learn this rather pretty sounding language. I have used Rosetta Stone, and found it to be pretty good, except that I didn’t actually learn much French. Though it certainly is fun to watch the little slide shows and…

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What Trees are Commonly Found in English Churchyards-Who Cares?

Right, I was wandering around Google Trends this morning and what should I find in the top ten most searched items? what trees are commonly found in english churchyards-Now I mean I know it might be a bit of a slow news day, but can there really be so many people wondering about Trees in England that it sits at number 4 on Google Trends? Apparently so.The Top Answers seem to be the Yew, The Hawthorn, and for Monty Python’s sake, The Larch-which is mentioned in The Lumberjack Song that all Lumberjacks love to sing. A common sense type answer…

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