Large Hadron Collider Online-Where’s Skynet?

It’s a fantastic moment. We can now look forward to a new era of understanding about the origins and evolution of the universe-Dr Lyndon Evans, leader of the Large Hadron Collider. In a bit of Science Fiction becoming reality the Large Hadron Collider sent it’s first beam out, or down, or whatever you call zipping out a particle in the LHC. It’s the kind of place that Terminators go to go to die. Just the kind of tech that Skynet needs to get started. The first test was just to see if worked, after spending about 5 billion pounds it’s…

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The Scientific Method-Is There Such A Thing?

Scientific method refers to the body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge-Wikipedia The Scientific Method is the process of getting the same results from the same input-in predictable, repeatable ways. This is the basis of good, old fashioned Empirical Science. The kind of stuff that Galileo was doing when he was dropping hammers out of windows to see how fast they hit the ground. But like logic and reasoning, The Scientific Method just ain’t what it used to be. The Scientific Method is now so well known that anyone can apply it…

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Save Money on Textbooks

I’ve always been shocked by how much College textbooks and university textbooks cost. The Wife is a big fan of College and has, from time to time, needed college textbooks. They are expensive. Prices have risen dramatically – up 186% from 1986 to 2006. On every beginning of semester, students are busy to buy cheaper used textbooks and sell their used textbooks from last semester. This is extremely waste time and not much easy to get the so called good quality USED textbooks. Some students may believe that buy BRAND NEW textbooks from college bookstores or university bookstores, and then…

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