Thanksgiving Thoughts

Now is that Gratitude? Life’s been so good to meHas it been good to you?Has it been everythingThat you’ve expected it to be?Was it as good for youAs it was good for me?And was it everythingThat it was all set up to be?–Danny Elfman I’m grateful for a number things, though I may sound a bit crabby at times. First of course, I am grateful for The Wife, the only real person in my life-everyone else is just a shadow. I am also grateful for all those shadowy readers who stop by If You Write It and those who have…

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Two Thanksgiving Traditions-Bart and Arlo

Bart Simpson is hanging around the kitchen while Marge is busy fixing Thanksgiving Dinner. Bart says that he wants to help. “Sure you can help.” Marge says, and hands him a can of cranberry sauce. Bart looks around for a can opener, and yell-“Mom, where’s the can openers?” Marge stops what she is doing, opens a drawer and hands Bart the can opener. Bart struggles with the can and can’t get it opened. “Mom, I can’t open the can, this opener doesn’t work.” Marge stops what she is doing and opens the can of cranberry sauce “There you go, Bart.”…

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Things I’m Thankful For

I’m thankful for The Wife and all the time that we have had together and all the time will have together.I’m thankful for the Internet and Google and all that way cool stuff that is just a mouse click away.So I’m also thankful for Bill Gates and Steve Jobs and all the countless technie nerds that made home computers and the junk that goes with them a reality.I’m thankful for my job, even though I tend to view it as a necessary evil. It can be fun and I work with a great group of people.I am thankful for cars…

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