Joongel The Mother of All Time Sinks

A timesink is a term used to describe activities that consume a lot of time. A variant of this term is “time drain.”-Wikipedia Ok, I have used Popurls and I really like how everything is on one page, but the endless list of headlines doesn’t really do much for me. I like the groups of videos and images scattered about, but it is still kind of hard to sort out. I do like the Popurls Search Page. There is also a pretty good little search it all site called Asieragos, which has a number of search engines on hand. It…

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Plurk-We All Need One More Time Sink

Ok, I’m not a user of Twitter, so finding Plurk-a Twitter clone by all accounts, I am mainly baffled by it. Not that I find that a bad thing. After using it for a couple of days it most closely resembles leaving blog comments-only without having to bother with actually reading any blog posts to do so. In pretty short order I wrangled a handful of friends-as with Blogcatalog it is easy to friend everyone you find if the mood strikes you. I have never really gotten the knack of friends on Facebook and still have a small handful after…

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Time Sinks

Timesink-a term used to describe activities that consume a lot of time. Wikipedia Before the age of Red Bull and Quad processors, people would sit around and read a book, or maybe talk to another human beings, for, oh, more than ten minutes. Now we never have enough time, and yet, we do manage to squeeze in a few things-like the national obsession with Solitaire once it was found on Windows. Games, Blogs, Social Networks, YouTube, and Image Warehouses are all great Time Sinks. But you already know about them, don’t you? So how about one or two things you…

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Crossword Puzzles

I have recently found that I kind of like crossword puzzles. I never used to like these things, as they never made much sense to me. But now that I am older and the storehouse of my working vocabulary is no longer so minuscule, crosswords are a bit more fun. Not that they are all fun, they are also wonderfully frustrating. But that little aha when the answer presents itself is always so shocking. There is always that feeling of well, duh, why didn’t I see that before?One of my favorite BritComs is Waiting For God, a show about a…

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The Mild Obsession

You start a blog and jot down your thoughts. You tell the world what you had for lunch, accompanied by a nifty little photo of the food-filled plate sitting on a white tablecloth. You talk about how it sucks to be you, or how it is so wonderful to be you. You write reviews of movies and tv shows and books. And for a while, you are happy.Then you start flipping around the blog sphere and notice that other bloggers write and receive comments. They link to each other. And they have all this way cool stuff all over their…

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