
The story of a former Police Detective obsessed with just about everything, but especially haunted by the murder of his beloved wife.  Monk was on for 8 seasons and was a great show.  It was fun to watch Monk solve mysteries, and it was fun to watch him obsessively touch all kinds of odd items. I just watched the 2009 series finality of Monk, in which the show’s ever arching mystery is solved.  It was a kind of feel good show where Adrian finally comes to terms with the death of his wife.  I wasn’t all that happy with the…

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Babylon 5

Babylon 5 was a pretty good Sci Fi Show. This is a grand space opera with a broad cast of costumed characters fretting away their time on stage. It was canceled, then uncanceled, then had a short lived sequel and recently had a reunion show called Babylon 5-The Lost Tales. I liked the show when it was on, but was never a die hard fan of the series. The Wife has been watching the DVDs recently, and it is shocking how bad the effects look now-I remember being greatly impressed when Babylon 5 was fired aired because it looked so…

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Best TV Shows Complete Series DVDs

Lost in Space-The Complete Series When I was a kid I actually liked Lost in Space better than I liked Star Trek. Maybe it was the idea that the little boy in the show was the smart one that seemed ready to save the day. Or maybe it was just that he got to hang out with The Robot all day, how cool was that? Lost in Space was one of those really bad sci fi shows that sort of tried to be good in the first few episodes. The black and white first season was kind of dark and…

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