Dollar Store Teeth Whiting Results

I did find a teeth whitener for a dollar the other day. It’s one those teeth whitening trays you put some goo into and slip in like a football mouth guard. Hey, a dollar for teeth whitening I can afford.

It was a dollar for the two week supply to get a bright smile. My teeth are whiter, but maybe I do need a bit of cosmetic dentistry. Not too bad, but not too good either. Still a little bright teeth whitening wouldn’t hurt too much. When I win the lotto I’ll make some cosmetic dentist happy. That way I can sleep and wake up with a bright smile.

The goo in the tray was not always a pleasant form of teeth whitening, but it did work. While my teeth are not as bright as they would be if I had taken care of them all these years, they do look a bit better.

Now I just need to keep that bright white smile by doing the following.

  • Avoid the consumption of or exposure to products that stain your teeth. It does little good to get a dentist to whiten your teeth if you are just going to go out and stain them again. If you do choose to consume beverages that stain, consider using a straw so that the liquid bypasses your front teeth.
  • Brush or rinse immediately after consuming stain-causing beverages or foods. Keep that brightsmile bright..
  • Follow good oral hygiene practices. Brush your teeth at least twice daily and floss at least once daily to remove plaque. Use a whitening toothpaste (once or twice a week only) to remove surface stains and prevent yellowing. Use a regular toothpaste the rest of the time.
  • Consider touch-up treatments. Depending on the whitening method used, you may need a touch-up every 6 months or after a year or two. If you smoke or drink lots of stain-causing beverages, you may need a touch up more often.
  • Keeping a bright white smile is not that hard. There are all kinds of products now that allow you to brush your teeth without actually brushing your teeth. Teeth Whitening sugar free chewing gum is a good item to use after a meal or soda.
  • Visit you Dentist at least twice a year. The dentist knows all about teeth whitening and may even have a teeth whitening special when you visit.
  • Whiten Your Teeth Like a Movie Star

    Jon Herrera
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    Published by Jon Herrera

    Writer, Photographer, Blogger.