Hot Sauce, Real Hot Sauce

If the only hot sauce you’ve ever heard of is Tabasco, you need to get out more. Not that there is anything wrong with Tabasco, I love the Chipolte flavor and I have a soft spot for the plain old orginal Tabasco. But once you become a serious chilihead, you find that there are a lot of other fish in the sea. Like Blair Hot Sauce. Blair’s Hot Sauce is the most recent hot sauce to get some fun buzz with the name Blair’s Death Sauce and the fact that it is the hottest thing around. But it far from the only real hot sauce going.  Another popular brand Scorned Woman Hot Sauce, great name and a great sauce.

The first Real Hot Sacues that I ever found were Inner Beauty and Dave’s Insanity Sauce.   Inner Beauty was a Jamican kind of hot sauce, made with Scotch Bonnet, the carribean version of the Habenerno Chili Pepper. This is some seriously hot sauce and I love the fact that it came in a flash and had a screaming mask on the lable.
Dave’s Insanity Sauce is it’s own little empire now, with several kinds of hot sacue that are even hotter than their orginal and all kinds of spices and other things with the Dave’s brand on them. This is a real hot sauce that is not to be taken lightly.In my ongoing effort to get a bit more Web Presence, I have written a Real Hot Sauce Squidoo Lens and Hot Sauce Hubpage..

Long gone are the days when you could count the Hottest Real Hot Sauces on one hand.  There are hundreds of hot sacues and new ones htting the scene all the time.  The names now sell the sauce more than what is in the bottle.  Hot Bitch on The Beach, Hot Buns on The Beach, A-Bomb, Slap Yo Mama Sauce, Elvis Hot Sauce, Vamfire Sauce, and too many other silly names to list them all.  There are also what might be called classic hot sauces, Melinda’s, Gold’s, Emerila’s, Prudon’s, and just about anyone else that has a recognized name and is in any way associated with food.

I like Hot Sauce on all kinds of foods.  Habenaro hot sauce is wonderful in Boston Baked Beans.  Just add some of Carr’s Pepper Table Water Crackers and it is a little slice of heaven here on earth.  Clams are good with a splash of Tabasco or any of the very vinegary Real Hot Sauces.  French Fries are best when soaked in a hot sauce, any really, and then covered with a good coarse salt and pepper.

Being a chilihead I have gotten more than one hot sauce gift pack over the years, and I like most of them. Any hot sauce is a good hot sauce.
Visit my Hot Sauce Shop.

Jon Herrera
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Published by Jon Herrera

Writer, Photographer, Blogger.