
There was another study today that says spanking is bad for kids as it tends to make them more aggressive. So I had to wonder, does anyone still spank their kids? I’ve been a portrait photographer for close to fourteen years now and I have seen a few parents that spank their kids for not smiling, but most of them resort to bribery instead.

I was never spanked myself, and I tend to remember being a pretty aggressive child as well. But not as aggressive as I could have been-I never went out for sports or went to college. I was more along the lines of the kids that think the world owes them everything.

I was bullied in school, as countless kids are. My favorite scene in A Christmas Story is when our hero beats up the bully in an alley. I can relate to that scene as I beat up my own bully in an alley when I was in the sixth grade.

The study says that any kind of violence in the home can lead to aggressive kids, so I guess I had a few bits of other violence here and there.

I tend to lean toward that whole quiet desperation thing.

I don’t have any kids and don’t plan on having any. So spanking is a concern for me only in how it will effect this latest generation. If anything, it seems that not spanking has lead us to America’s Dumbest Generation-a bunch of fat and lazy kids that think they are going to be invent the next Facebook or Twitter-but they are more likely to just be users of the next facebook or twitter.

I tend to think that spanking is best saved for the Submissive in your life-but maybe that’s just me.

Jon Herrera
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Published by Jon Herrera

Writer, Photographer, Blogger.