Success is a habit

We are what we do everyday. Good bloggers blog. Good dancers dance. A clean house is always a work in progress, just as a messy house is always a work in progress. We add to these things everyday. Fat people do a lot of eating in order to be fat. Wealth is made one day at a time, if not one dollar at a time.

OK, I guess I could go on with that line of thought, but really, what’s the point?

I tend to start things and then go on to other things.

One of my all time favorite movies is Groundhog Day, the story of mean and nasty fellow that is forced to relive the same day for a small eternity until he find every dinky little thing that he can do to make the town a better a place. On the way he goes through a couple of bad spells where he tries to kill himself, where he steals lots of money, where he seduces local woman, and where he eats everything he ever wanted to eat, because he knows it will not go to his waist. In the process of all these days repeating he falls in love with a co-worker trapped in the time loop with him, only she doesn’t know she is trapped and he does. There is someone really appealing about the idea of getting to play around until you get it right.

I tend to drift through life, one day at a time, with no master plan, or even really the hope of a master plan. I’d like to be a novelist, only I never seem to have the time to write that novel. I’d like to be an artist, but my art is the kind of easy stuff that just about anyone with a copy of Photoshop can do these days. I still have these ideas for a couple of businesses that might work out, but I always seem to spend more on starting a business than I ever make running it.

In short, I spend each day thinking and not much time doing. My desk is a mess, and not a good mess that shows I am busy and making the world a better place. No, just a silly mess, as most of it is candy and vitamins, with a few tubes of skin cream thrown in for good measure. I’m sure there is a site somewhere that would tell me what that means, but I am too lazy to look for it right now.

I have a few things to do, so I will be off now.

Don’t just sit there, do something.

Jon Herrera
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Published by Jon Herrera

Writer, Photographer, Blogger.