Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls by David Sedaris

It’s always hit or miss with David Sedaris.  His most brilliant work often involves his family and always involves some personal flaw.  His worst work, which can be offensive, belligerent, and nausea inducing, usually involves his views on politics.   I don’t mind David Sedaris having political views or hating conservative-I just don’t want to find these tirades grouped together with his more traditional humor and nostalgia pieces.  Like Squirrel Seeks Chipmonk,  I’d like it better if he wrote this stuff under another name and collected them in separate books, perhaps only available in Iran or North Korea and then…

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Super 8 ~Uh, Not That Super

J.J. Abrams has made a love song to Steven Spielberg.  From the Super 8 One Sheet that bears a striking resemblance to the One Sheet for Close Encounters of The Third Kind to his story which bears a striking resemblance to both E.T. and The Goonies. Our story is set in 1979-for no clear reason other than J.J. wanted to listen to some old tunes from the era when Disco was duking it out with New Wave.  There are a couple of gags about Sony Walkmans that play cassette tapes and overnight film processing, but there was no reason it…

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Plan B with Conan O’Brien

Conan’s new show is much like Conan’s old shows.  Conan comes out and makes a few jokes.  He gets some support and heckling from sidekick Andy Richter.  He feeds off the energy of the audience.  He chats up random famous and semi-famous and wanna be famous people.  If you like Conan, you’ll like his new show. By far the best bit I’ve seen is a commercial where Conan goes to India to create the perfect set of red curtains for his show.  I have no idea what this commercial is for, or if it is, in fact, for anything.  But…

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