Homeland on Showtime

There are some shows that should only be one season.  Heroes and Prison Break would have made pretty good one season shows, as they quickly lost their way after the first season.  Damian Lewis had his own short lives series, Life, which should have been left off at one season. The first season of Homeland had a lot of promise.  A forgotten POW is found in a locked room after being held hostage for eight years, but is he a hero or a villain?  That’s the big question our hero, an ambitious CIA agent, has to answer. We are shown…

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Salt-Missing The Cold War

So what to do when you have a bang up cold war story, but the good old USSR has been dead for lo these many years?  Well, you just add one part Manchurian Candidate, one part Bourne Identity, and one part The Boys From Brazil.  Viola!  Salt is a nice spy story where the USSR wants to rise from the ashes and a sleeper agent has been waiting thirty years to strike, and by the way-that sleeper agent is not only super human but a hottie as well. Make no mistake, Salt is just a Star Vehicle for Angelina Jolie. …

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