Spinervals-I like it

I was sitting around watching some late night TV the other day when one of those fitness infomercials came on.  But this one wasn’t for the Insanity Workout or P90X, it was for some kind of Spinning Workout. So I hop over to Amazon and find about 120 Spinning DVDs.  Well, I guess I am a bit behind the times here. So I got one called Spinerval Ultra Conditioning.  I like the cutesy name and it’s a workout that combines stationary bike work with pushups and dumbbells.  It’s an intense workout, but any DVD based training is easier than hitting…

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Trying to Get In Shape

I used to be an avid cyclist.  I would ride a couple of hundred miles a week.  I read a lot of magazine.  Kept up with the Tours in Europe.  Watched the Cyclists in The Olympics riding their $40,000 dollar bicycles.  I was a sucker for all the gimmicky wheels, cogs, gear shifters, tires, water bottles, and clothes that were featured in ads and hanging on the walls of  my local bike shop.  But then I had to earn a living, and being Lance Armstrong was not going to be the way to do it. I also had a brief…

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