It’s All About You, Jerry, Isn’t It?

The Annual Dallas Cowboys Rant. Kyle Orton Plays Like a $100 Million Dollar Quarterback. Much like regular Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo, Kyle Orton did a great job of raising fans hopes only to dash them to the ground with a game ending interception. This was another game where it looked like the Cowboys had a chance to win it, but as they have so often in the past few years, they were able snatch defeat from the jaws of victory once more. To be honest, my passion for the Dallas Cowboys isn’t what it was a few years back.…

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The First 20 Hours

I remember being greatly impressed when I read Outliers: The Story of Successby Malcol Gladwell.  It was a cool book that talked about the Beatles and Bill Gates and how they managed to take over their world by being in the right place at the right time-and by practicing for 10,000 hours. Josh Kaufman was also impressed, because he feels that a lot of people have used the 10,000 hour rule as a copout for avoiding learning anything. Josh says that the 10,000 rule works-if you want to master a topic.  But what if you don’t want to be Paul McCartney, you…

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Skyjack-The Hunt for D. B. Cooper

In 1971 a man with a briefcase hijacked a Northwest Orient 727 flight.  He ransomed the passengers for $200,000 and then jumped out of the plane.  He has never been heard from since, leaving the end of his story open for everyone to write their own ending. Geoffrey Gray tells the story of D. B. Cooper, including every bit of minutia, every theory, and every crackpot who has claimed to be Dan Cooper since 1971.  Geoffrey Gray also reads the audio book and he can’t help but ham it up every once in a while.  There is also the occasional…

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This Page Intentionally Left Blank

There are times when the words don’t flow as they used to.  Or I don’t put the effort forth.  Writers write.  Simple as that.  But sometimes, it isn’t all that simple.  Sometimes there is the desire to read one more book, try one more bit of software, watch one more new Tv Show, cook all those meals, and generally just kind of do all kinds of random stuff. I wrote a couple of short stories, but they are not all that good.  It’s been so long since I finished anything I am not even sure how I am supposed to…

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