This,That, and The Other Thing

There was an episode of Gilligan’s Island where Gilligan became a dictator following the advice of an evil man.  He thought he was doing good work, as he loved his people and promised them-This, That, and The Other Thing.  His people, of course, hated him. Hitler is the poster child for Dictators, a nasty fellow surrounded by a group of people who would do anything he said-and anyone who didn’t would be killed.  This is why most dictators don’t care if the people love them or hate them-the people just come with the scenery, as some pop star said.  You…

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OKC Memorial

On April 19th, 1995 a bit over 15 years ago, a Yellow Ryder Truck filled with an Improvised Explosive Device blew up in front of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.  At first it was assumed that this was the work of some Al Qaeda type Islāmic organization, but it turned out to be a couple of good old fashioned American rednecks.  Home Grown Terrorists, what a concept. The Oklahoma City Memorial is a very interesting place. An emotional experience as you move in and around the various bits of broken cars and buildings and lives.  The last time…

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