The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

The Bell Jar is the story of a young woman who has a mental breakdown and has the further misfortune to have it during the late 1950s when ‘doctors’ were fond of things like lobotomies and electroshock therapy. We follow Esther Greenwood around as she finds life a bit too much to deal with and tries to kill herself.  She comes to think of her world as being muffled by a bell jar that has been lowered over her head, so that the world she sees is distorted and not quite as it should be. One thing leads to another…

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Code 46 Can’t Tell The Players Without a Genome Card

We open with several pages of legalese explaining that it is against the law to have children with people who have either 100%, 50%, or 25% of the same genetic code as yourself.  At the same time we see Tim Robbins flying over a vast desert, which surrounds the city of Shanghai.  Clearly something has happened, something bad.  We are never told what this something is.  We are given hints that sunlight is bad-so bad that everyone now works at night and sleeps during the day.  We are also told that clones and test tube babies are common.  And most…

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