Cigarette Warning Labels

Your Stupidity Quotient equals the number of packs of cigarettes you smoke multiplied by how many times you read the Surgeon General’s Warning. -Mad Magazine I’m all for getting people to stop smoking, but I tend to think that graphic cigarette warning labels will not have any more effect than the good old fashioned text cigarette warning label.  Unless, of course, the FDA is concerned about Non-English speaking smokers or illiterate smokers. The fact of the matter is that tobacco products should be a controlled substance, and like marijuana, should only be available for use by people who are already…

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Conan Painting Goes For $1.5 Million

Article first published as Conan the Destroyer Painting Goes for $1.5 Million on Technorati. The 1971 painting by fantasy artist Frank Frazetta sold just  two months after the Pennsylvania artist’s death.  Frank Frazetta was a favorite artist of my youth for his fantastical depictions of mostly nude women, such as Vampirella and his mostly nude men such as Conan. There were a number of paintings of nudes. As time went by I came to appreciated more than the artful rendering of the human form and found that I liked his animals and skies and weapons as well.  He was also…

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