Food Rules by Michael Pollan

One of the first books that really got me thinking about what I eat and how I eat it was Micahel Pollan’s In Defense of Food.  His mantra for this book was simple-Eat Food, Not Too Much, Mostly Plants.  Michael doesn’t care about Carbs or Fats-he cares about the chemical and the artificial hiding in plain sight pretending to be food.  The villain in his stories is The Western Diet-lots of processed food, lots of the holy trinity of fat, salt, and sugar, and not too many vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Food Rules contain a list of 64 guidelines…

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Google’s Art Project

Dear old Mom wanted to be an Artist when she grew up.  She took one of those mail order courses where you draw a turtle and bought a lot of books containing the Works of The Masters.  She sketched three things a day, and yet, she never got past that kind of middle school phase where her work looked ok, but never looked exactly like Art.  I went through a small Artist phase myself, sketching and drawing and never becoming any better. The Wife went to college and studied Art.  She painted mostly abstracts on 3×4 foot canvases, with an…

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Cooking in The Tiny Kitchen

I like to cook.  I’ve cooked my own meals, off and on, since I was about 6 years old.  I grew up with a pretty cramped kitchen and used natural gas and a lot of cast iron cookware.   I soon enough discovered the wonder of an electric wok, an electric skillet, and the microwave.  As my skills grew I used a real Wok from time to time, found that I liked having really sharp knives, cutting boards, and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.  I found cookbooks at Goodwills and yard sales and I actually used a lot of them. …

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