The Inner Circle

T. C. Boyle’s The Inner Circle is the story of Professor Kinsey and his obsession with all things sexual.  In the book we find that Prok, as Kinsey is known to his associates, is a pansexual pervert who loves all manner of deviant behavior.  Part and parcel of his personal philosophy, of course, is that there is no such thing as perversion or deviant behavior-all human animals want all manner of sexual contact. The story is told from the perspective of John Milk, one of Prok’s many students/sex partners/researchers.  Prok has sex with anything that moves, and so to, does…

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Food Rules by Michael Pollan

One of the first books that really got me thinking about what I eat and how I eat it was Micahel Pollan’s In Defense of Food.  His mantra for this book was simple-Eat Food, Not Too Much, Mostly Plants.  Michael doesn’t care about Carbs or Fats-he cares about the chemical and the artificial hiding in plain sight pretending to be food.  The villain in his stories is The Western Diet-lots of processed food, lots of the holy trinity of fat, salt, and sugar, and not too many vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Food Rules contain a list of 64 guidelines…

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