In Time

In the Future, people never age past 25, all cars were designed in the early 1970s, and time has replaced dollars as currency.  In Time is a familiar story, a poor guy from the bad part of Time and a rich girl from the good part of Time, go on a Robin Hood style crime spreed to help the poor and the disenfranchised. Amanda Seyfried and Justin Timberlake and the rest of the cast is young and good looking and always a minute or so away from dying.  It seems that everyone could be an immortal, but where you put…

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Empty the Movie

Empty is a sort of post apocalyptic story, if you can call going one week without gas a post apocalyptic event.  Yes, this movie tells the tale of a world without gasoline-thus all gas tanks are Empty and anarchy reins. Empty is an ultra low budget independent film with a cast of about ten people-with two of them grabbing the bulk of the screen time.  Much like Monsters our heroes are a rich girl and a poor working class schmuck.  The rich girl is mostly reasonable and sane, her working class, tough guy boyfriend is mostly a total asshole.  We…

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