Hugo in 3D

3D looks like it is here to stay this time-and if they could all look as good as Hugo, that would be a alright with me.  The opening shot is a long zoom from the city of Paris down to a pair of eyes and it was pretty damned impressive.  I especially liked the snow-it was one of those old school 3D effects were you wanted to reach out and touch the flake in front of your face. Hugo lives in a 1930s Paris train station where he has taken over the job of winding the clocks from his missing…

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In Time

In the Future, people never age past 25, all cars were designed in the early 1970s, and time has replaced dollars as currency.  In Time is a familiar story, a poor guy from the bad part of Time and a rich girl from the good part of Time, go on a Robin Hood style crime spreed to help the poor and the disenfranchised. Amanda Seyfried and Justin Timberlake and the rest of the cast is young and good looking and always a minute or so away from dying.  It seems that everyone could be an immortal, but where you put…

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