Extra Lives

I then realized I was contrasting my aesthetic sensitivity to that of some teenagers about a game that concerns itself with shooting as many zombies as possible.  It is moments like this that can make it so dispritingly difficult to care about video games. ~author Tom Bissell I’ve been an adventure game addict since I bought my first computer back in the Dark Ages of 1982-the game that hooked me was Infocom’s Zork.  My latest video game love is The Witcher 2, an adventure game with a lot more fighting and running than puzzling and thinking.  I still find myself…

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Good Book by David Plotz

What if an agnostic Jew read the Bible and then alternately made fun of it and talked about how it made him a better Jew?  David Plotz started Good Book: The Bizarre, Hilarious, Disturbing, Marvelous, and Inspiring Things I Learned When I Read Every Single Word of the Bible as a blog, Blogging The Bible for Slate, and then went on to turn it into a book. About thirty years ago I read the Bible as part of my never-ending quest to be a know it all.  The Bible is so full of WTF moments that I must have looked…

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