Lord Foul’s Bane Book One of The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant The Unbeliever

There are now almost ten books set in the universe of The Land.  But it all started in 1977 with Lord Foul’s Bane.   I just finished re-reading Lord Foul’s Bane for the first time in many years-it’s one of a handful of books that I’ve read more than once-and it seems both just as good as I remember it, and kind of silly. We open up with a grumpy man stiffly waking two miles into town to pay his phone bill.  Along the walk he thinks about how much his life sucks since he came down with leprosy.  His wife…

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This Page Intentionally Left Blank

There are times when the words don’t flow as they used to.  Or I don’t put the effort forth.  Writers write.  Simple as that.  But sometimes, it isn’t all that simple.  Sometimes there is the desire to read one more book, try one more bit of software, watch one more new Tv Show, cook all those meals, and generally just kind of do all kinds of random stuff. I wrote a couple of short stories, but they are not all that good.  It’s been so long since I finished anything I am not even sure how I am supposed to…

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