Terminator Genisys

More Terminator on Terminator Action Spoilers and Such I love [easyazon_link identifier=”B00153ZC8Q” locale=”US” tag=”londonthoug-20″]The Terminator[/easyazon_link].  It’s a damn near perfect film that did a pretty good job of tying up its loose ends.  But not so good a job that it didn’t end up with a few too many sequels. So it’s a bittersweet experience to watch the clumsily re-shot scenes from The Terminator and hear familiar dialogue spoken in odd voices.  The redo of [easyazon_link identifier=”B0037NVM2C” locale=”US” tag=”londonthoug-20″]Judgement Day[/easyazon_link] as the opening credits roll was a pale imitation of Linda Hamilton’s raspy, hate filled voice from T2. But then, this isn’t that…

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About Time

Time travel stories are often more fantasy than science fiction and so it is in About Time. Our hero turns 21 and his father takes him aside and says-‘Men in our family can travel through time.’ Oh, right-and that’s it for any explanation as to how or why this might be so. We then spend the rest of the film watching him bounce around in his own past, changing anything and everything that strikes his fancy, but mostly concentrating on finding the love of his life. His fathers sets a few ground rules, he can’t go forward in time and…

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Room 237

What is Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining really about?  The Holocaust?  Injustice to Native Americans?  The faking of the Moon Landing?  Countless hidden sexual jokes?  Room 237 is a film where a number of people with way too much time on their hands spend endless hours watching and re-watching The Shining looking for clues as to it’s real meaning. When I grew up I pretty much liked all movies.  An Abbott & Costello feature was right up there with Gone With The Wind as far as I was concerned.  At some point I read a book called The Key by James…

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The Silva Method of Mind Control

About thirty years ago I went through a phase where I read all these wonderfully odd little books meant to change your life and your worldview.  Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Dianetics, books on Alexander Technique and Rolfing, the Feldenkrais Method, Super Learning, and The Silva Method of Mind Control.  All of these things promise the impossible, but wrap it up in a nice semi-logical sounding package.  I recently re-read The Silva Method of Mind Control. Silva starts off with advising that everyone should meditate, morning and night and add the Émile Coué affirmation Everyday, in Every way, I’m getting better and…

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Eureka-The Statue is Made of Bronze!

The Syfy Channel has a handful of first run series, the best of which at the moment is Eureka.  This is the story of a small town of super geniuses who didn’t want to live in Area 51 and the poor sap who ends up being the town’s Sheriff.   The punchline of almost every episode of Eureka is that the idiot Sheriff is the only one to see the obvious solution to whatever earth ending problem the super geniuses have created that week. The new season opens up with a collection of Previously on Eureka clips, the most interesting…

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