The Late Show With Stephen Colbert

Anyone remember the Chevy Chase Show? That’s what I kept flashing back to while watching Stephen Colbert channel a sleazy used car salesman as his new TV persona. That first episode of The Chevy Chase Show was packed with fans who laughed at every gag the [easyazon_link identifier=”B000JLQPYK” locale=”US” tag=”londonthoug-20″]SNL[/easyazon_link] alum tossed out, much as the crowd here hooted and hollered and chanted Stephen Stephen Stephen! This was the first episode, so I can cut Stephen some slack, but not much. The Late Show set has been remodeled to resemble the set for [easyazon_link identifier=”B007JVM69Q” locale=”US” tag=”londonthoug-20″]The Dean Martin Show[/easyazon_link],…

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Tom Cruise’s Oblivion

Oblivion is yet another movie about a world where the bulk of the earth’s population has been wiped out and a handful of survivors with virtually no chance of beating a vastly superior enemy-uh wait, that’s a lot closer to the end. We start off with Tom Cruise and a cute British woman with over-sized pupils going about the routine business of sucking all the water off the Earth’s surface so it can be shipped off to Titan, a large moon orbiting Jupiter. There are pockets of aliens hiding here and there that sabotage the equipment and Tom has to go out and repair it.      Tom is Tech number…

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Salt-Missing The Cold War

So what to do when you have a bang up cold war story, but the good old USSR has been dead for lo these many years?  Well, you just add one part Manchurian Candidate, one part Bourne Identity, and one part The Boys From Brazil.  Viola!  Salt is a nice spy story where the USSR wants to rise from the ashes and a sleeper agent has been waiting thirty years to strike, and by the way-that sleeper agent is not only super human but a hottie as well. Make no mistake, Salt is just a Star Vehicle for Angelina Jolie. …

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