Fallout 4-Seven Years Behind Everyone Else

I remember the Wanderer commercial. That was cool, but not cool enough for me to shell out the money for a machine powerful enough to run Fallout 4. So I forgot about it. Until a few months ago when it showed up on Xbox Game Pass. I downloaded it and played several hours a day until I had gathered all the companions, become General of the Minutemen, destroyed The Institute, and learned to hate Settlers. I used Fast Travel, played on Normal, and didn’t realize there was a whole world of players that considered fast travel cheating, and playing on…

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The Host by Stephenie Meyer

first pulished on Technorati Image Robert A Heinlein’s Puppetmasters from the point of view of the alien invaders.  Or the Invasion of the Body Snatchers from the point of view of the Pod People.  Stephane Meyers’s Host is one more story where there is no black and white, only many shades of grey.  The bad guys aren’t really bad, the good guys aren’t really good. The Host is set in the not too distant future where the Earth has been invaded and conquered by small parasitic lifeforms which attach themselves to the victim’s brains.  The alien minds are stronger than…

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