The Man In The High Castle

Philip K Dick was a prolific writer of short stories and novels, and he continues to supply a steady source of material for people who make movies.  The Adjustment Bureau was based on a Philip K Dick short story. I first read The Man In The High Castle in about 1982 while I was working my way through of a number of the best SciFi books ever written.  I was heavily into Asimov, Heinlein, Lem, and a number of other great writers of science fiction who had found their way onto Best Sci Fi Lists of one kind or another. …

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Why We Get Fat

Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It talks about how the world changed after World War II and how everyone who has been drinking the Calories In/Calories Out Kool Aide is wrong.  Once upon a time some serious people studied why humans get fat, why rats get fat, and why old Doc Atkins was right.  I have my own theories as to why no one cares-it has to do with the billions and billions of dollars made from fast food, dieting, supplements, exercise products, and doctors who have no interest whatsoever in curing anyone of anything. Ok,…

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